


Botanical art plays an important role in Kew’s scientific work. Find out how Kew’s botanical artists reconstruct specimens, and how their drawings help our botanists study plants.

The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew have published a new video about 'What is Botanical Art'.

短片介绍了我的一个朋友-露西•史密斯(Lucy T. Smith),她是一名邱园的植物科学画家。 她给植物学家及柯蒂斯植物学杂志作画,有时候也会在其他刊物刊登作品,同时还担任植物科学画的教学任务。
It features somebody I know well - Lucy T. Smith - who is one of the botanical illustrators who work at Kew. She produces assignments for the botanists and for publication in Curtis Botanical Magazine and other botanical publications - as well as teaching students of botanical illustration.

出境的还有林奈学会会员:玛丽亚•沃隆佐娃博士(Maria Vorontsova)她解释了在记录重要信息和帮助科学家进行植物分类方面为什么摄影还是无法取代植物科学画,她认为露西的工作非常重要。
Also involved is Dr Maria Vorontsova FLS who explains why botanical illustration is still superior to photography in terms of recording what's important and helping scientists differentiate between plants - and why she finds Lucy's illustrations of her plants so valuable.

植物科学画不仅仅是艺术。 它用来表达的语言符合分类学的要求。
学科带头人:Maria Vorontsova
Botanical illustrations aren't just art. They communicate precisely what's needed for the taxonomic science.
Maria Vorontsova, Research Leader

